Friday, August 18, 2006

Sometimes you need to hear it....

So today one of my mentees (little brother...YES I have a ton of "little brothers and sisters" by way of Kiamsha and honestly YES I love them dearly and they ARE apart of my family....)

Anyways he decided to vent to ME, as he always seems to do about the state of the organization and various issues that he has with for ME, it can get quite frustrating at times to constantly be getting hit with "complaints/suggestions" from folks that come and go and aren't really there on Monday feel me...

So I had to let him know in LOVE that he really does urk my nerves sometimes...he knows that I love him dearly, but sometimes it gets hard...this is what he said though....


Maybe this is just one of those things I need to say more often, but I have an incredible amount of respect for you as a person, and an equally huge amount of respect for the job you're doing with Kiamsha. The heart it takes to even stick with it with all of the mess from the Board, ASALH, Parents. . .me. . . I know it takes a lot and I really do respect you for it! I mean, I don't even bother making suggestions to most people, not because they don't need them, but because they probably don't have the humility or wisdom to be able to grow from it.

Just wanted to let you know that, homie. I was venting about everything but you. You're great and should stay great. I wouldn't vent to ya if I didn't respect ya. I wouldn't vibe with ya if I didn't. I wouldn't make suggestions. I mean, you're on my top ten of most respected people! I'm not even joking! You made top ten!! Dad, Mom, Croom, all of those folks, and you're up there too, homie!

Love ya dearly. Keep being that strong, committed person you are. And thanks.


Now, that right there is something that one very rarely do I hear...and two, I needed to hear today! Sometimes you just need to hear that...I know him, he is a straight dude he ONLY speaks from his heart...not the type of guy that would NOT just say it just to level my hot head I appreciated his words more than I think he will ever know...

Sometimes I think people forget how hard others lives can be or all the pressures that people have on them...we take people for granted far to often I believe...sometimes the strongest of us can be the weakest...we get worn out and torn down too sometimes...we can't take EVERY thing that is throw our way at ALL times...we just can't...Today was a day I really couldn't take it...I did but it was a rough moment...

I get what he is saying, its something that my BF says to me all the time..."T, I say it to you because I know you will be real and you can take hear me, you see the know you are always giving to others making time...and I know its not easy"

The truth it is BUT...its a lot of pressure, its a lot of stress...I can't just be care free do whatever...I got folks to answer to, folks looking up to me...most of all I got Jehovah GOD that I have to answer to...these past two years I have really been trying to get my life right...leave the drama alone all that stuff...and it just seems like stuff just keeps trying to get the best of me...I don't even believe in or read Horoscopes but my BF asked me to read hers today so I read mines and it said the following:

For Friday, August 18 -One of the people in your life is going through a major transitional period and their emotions are running high, so try to give them space they need to work things out. Overall, there is an excessive amount of tumultuous energy in your life right now -- so try to avoid or eliminate any external conflict you don't absolutely need to deal with. Let other people solve their own crises. Spend your time focusing on finding ways to simplify your life today.

Now that right there is with all this external conflict that is surrounding me, which it was really nice to hear that today...

Kep...I love you! I love all of you guys...(KW, JC, AL, KW, JC, RJ, CD,KD, KL...) I love all of my Kiamsha Family I really really do!!! I wouldn't be who I am and who I am becoming with out you guys and that's really real!!!!



Anonymous said...

Glad I could help, homie. Sorry for the extra stress, but this was a learning experience. It is easy to forget that people have other stuff on their plates so I have to be careful how I'm adding to it. :-)

Love you too!


P.S.: Lol people don't know that my quote followed about three pages of exchanged emails, exclamaiton marks, and ALL CAPITALIZED LETTERS! :-)

T.a.c.D said...

Yeah but they don't need to know had me VEXED for a minute and I had to get to you and you had to get to me...meaning we had to get each other to happens sometimes...and its because of the LOVE that we have that we can do that with one another...

Anonymous said...

By the way, I couldn't help but think about you earlier today. A parent called me up for some help with a student. I realized the advice I was giving was nothing like my usual advice. It was like the words weren't even coming from my mouth! But I knew it was exactly right. I remembered observing the stay-up-a-thon where one of the youth had stayed out over her boyfriend's house and we all got on her.

I must have been taking notes, because I think I picked up on that perfect merge of tough and soft love you've got going on. And the Almighty just pulled it out of me when I needed it! I'm learning, homie! One day I'll be as good at this mentoring stuff as you are. Thanks for the lessons.


jendayi said...

We love you too TC!

T.a.c.D said...

Everything is a balance and its takes really does, and YOU will find YOUR OWN personal balance...YOUR OWN touch...we are all unique and we all bring our own flavor to the table with the kids that's what makes Kiamsha so special!

Thanks J...