Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All the little children

Last week on one of my posts I asked random questions that crossed my mind...
Well one of the questions that I asked was:
"Why am I not fully convinced that Karr killed that little girl? But why do we still care after 10 years, when there are little black and brown and yellow boys and girls that are missing or dead and we hear NOTHING about them..."

One of my fellow bloggers noname (who by the way was one of my first hits and we have been hitting each other ever since) was upset by this question...getting to know her via her blog I have a lot of respect for her as a woman, mother, and wife...and I can understand her objections and/or concerns via my statement...and she wrote a blog about it...check it out here

I am glad she wrote it because to me without dialogue there can be no change, without change there can be no progress...

I think we both planted some seeds in the other...and from seeds come trees of knowledge...


Ranni said...

Oh man, I really like the way you put that...from seeds come trees of knowledge. Powerful!

Discussion is a very powerful tool and one we should use more often. Thanks for giving me the chance to explain further what I meant.

T.a.c.D said...

Always! I have learned to listen because I know that I WANT to be heard....