Thursday, July 20, 2006

So you finally came to see us????

So today after being in office for FIVE and a HALF Years, Bush decided that he was going to go and address the NAACP at their National Convention.

This basically I do NOT have a problem with, you recognize that the black vote is really important and has been truly underestimated by your party so you want to reticfy this and come and speak...

"I understand that racism still lingers in America," Bush said. "It's a lot easier to change a law than to change a human heart. And I understand that many African-Americans distrust my political party....I consider it a tragedy that the party of Abraham Lincoln let go of its historical ties with the African-American community. For too long, my party wrote off the African-American vote, and many African-Americans wrote off the Republican Party."

Bush went on to state that for nearly two centuries, America "failed the test of extending the blessings of liberty to African Americans," saying that slavery was legal for nearly 100 years and discrimination legal for nearly 100 more. He said slavery put a "stain on America's founding, a stain we have not yet wiped clean."

I guess my thing is that I don't want it to get twisted (confused) we understand that this is a push for you to gain political support from the Black community amidst all of the economic and political turmoil that has taken place with the last term of your presidency.

NO, you coming to visit the NAACP's Annual Conference, ONCE will NOT gain you any more votes....then again it may sway a couple of folks...who knows...

NO, you coming to see us will not make us think that the present situation(s) in the Middle East is OK

NO, you coming to see us with Condi does not make us think that your policies will help the middle class or the poor (and that is outside of a race thing) we still believe that your policies are to help the rich....

(and the list of NOs can go on and on but I will stop one more)

NO, you coming and talking about the Senate needing to renew the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and extending this for another 25 years, does NOT excuse the fact that MY (OUR) voting rights will have to be up for debate YET AGAIN in another 25 YEARS, leaving me to feel like a second class citizen who will NEVER have the same rights as other Americans...just because of the color of my skin and because I am a woman....

NO its NOT ok...

make the Civil Right Act of 1965 an amendment to our US Constitution and then we can talk, as it has been previously done before, make it Amendment XXIX

Now, don't get me wrong, I respect our national government and do recognize that we have more freedoms than most...I respect the fact that we get to "choose" who are national leaders are...and have 'basic freedoms and rights' For example, if it wasn't for The Bill of Rights and my Right to Free Speech
which allows me to express myself freely and write this post

I mean as 'up in the air' as things are...I am proud to be an African (Black) American....American...I am a TRUE product of this melting/mixing pot...I am just waiting on the true mixing to begin...Rich and poor, White and and woman....parent and child...when is the mixing going to truly begin?!

And the actions of the last couple of weeks have very dishearting and frustrating....and has only confirmed for me...something that I already knew and that the president himself knows:

"racism is still VERY much alive"

Only keeping the mixing at a stand still...and I wonder if "it" will ever fully go away....will we ever really be


Anonymous said...

Maybe this was on Bush's mind in the times he didn't speak to the NAACP.

T.a.c.D said...

Fair enough, however, that was AFTER his first term and after he showed "selective" interest in the African-American community and its issues...

Ranni said...

Man, I feel so stupid here. I'd assumed it WAS written in as an ammendment to our Constitution. It sure should be! How absurd.

I don't understand President Bush's choices but do think we need a big change in the office come next election (since it didn't happen last time). Let's hope someone worthy runs this time around.

T.a.c.D said...

I feel you...I can't pretend to understand the pressure that comes with being a WORLD leader...

but I just have so many issues with his policy and certain things that have been done, and moreover NOT done during his time in office...
Dem, Repub, Indep, Its NOT about the party title for me, its about what you are doing for this country ALL of this country all of its people...why do we still have poverty? children & the elderly living in dirt, without the basic things people need to survive....

As wealthy as this country is we should not have the extreme poverty that we have, people should NOT have to live as they are living...especially in our nation's capital...poverty is a gate way to a lot of things, drugs, crime....its a crazy cycle...