Ok, so every morning I get up and boil two brown eggs for breakfast (this all apart of my new lifestyle change with regard to my eating habits) anyways...

So this morning I put my eggs on, as I normally do and went on about my business to get ready for the day....
I worked out this morning so I was running behind, and am worried about being late to work, so I turned the eggs up a little higher than I normally would....so about 35 minutes later I was getting ready for work and all of a sudden I heard this LOUD POP...so I run in the kitchen and what is it...
YES, I have burned my eggs and they exploded...EGG EVERYWHERE...all over my stove, on the counter, on the floor...everywhere...so I am standing there like
So I rush to get the pot off the stove and get the eggs out and salvage my pot...
The pot is fine...and so I start to clean up the mess in the kitchen...
wait, there is still some good egg left...should I? Man I was hungry as a boot...
YES folks...I picked the egg apart and ate the non-burned parts and went on about my business...LMBO!!!!!
Today, I will admit...that YES I, T.C. am the Dumbee of the week...
Oh, and I was definitely late this morning
Lol, I didn't know eggs would do that. Can't blame you for picking through the egg...when you're hungry, you're hungry.
I didn't know that either until they did it...but when I called my mother on my way to work, dying laughing...she knew EXACTLY what happened...so then I didn't feel as bad, because my mother gets DOWN in the kitchen...LOL
See, by you writing that, I learned something! LOL!
That was really funny Tiffany. I can just picture it now!
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