Friday, July 21, 2006

One of 'em days....

So today I am having one of 'em days...
nothing to really complain about per se, but I am just in a mood...I have a headache, I am tired and I just don't feel like be bothered...

Now the thing that makes this day unlike any other day is because although its a Friday and my office is closing an hour early, I still have a ton of things that I need to do in order to get ready to go out of town tonight...including going over to my parents home to see if what the mechanic said the other day is in FACT TRUE and I DO in fact need NEW tires!!!!

Maybe that's what the issue just seems like every time I turn around I have to spend money on, that's not it, I don't stress over money...I spend it on whatever else I want to spend it what is it...
I have no idea I am just in a funky mood, a funk, I have an attitude and I need to check it and get it together but then again....

Why should I why do I have to be happy all the time, why can't I just be (well I did say I was in a funk and not just trying to be...there is a difference)...I don't maybe because that's not my personality...but man I have been in this funky little mood all week since Sunday...just tired mentally, physically, emotionally...just tired...and I know that we all get like this at times but geeze...

You know what I know what I need....a good loooonnnnggggg that would be so GREAT right about now....

Well, have a GREAT weekend everyone...and if you see my girl Ni...wish her a Happy Birthday!
Peace & Blessings.....


Anonymous said...

Crabby Monday!! I am feeling this blog for today vs. Friday. I'm not feeling today at all and maybe I do know why or maybe I don't. It could be a lot of things all at once, but I'm usually the happy one and always smiling. Well, you won't get that today!! I just want to go home and not necessarily sleep, but watch talk shows all day and maybe grab some wine. That's how I'm feeling.


T.a.c.D said...

I feel you today is one of 'em days part 2...I am simply drained all the way around...and I am officially taking a break! (Well not really because I am at work...)but at 5pm...I am OFF from everything....

jendayi said...

aww T. I hope you felt better after your get away weekend!