I must admit that I didn't realize just how much I missed my line sisters until I saw them on Satruday night.
One of my line sisters, my front, got married on Saturday...it was a very emtional ceremony, the groom broke down at the alter, you could tell that he was very VERY IN love with his wife to be...
They also did presentations to their parents at the end of the ceremony...
all in all the wedding was really nice!
But it was the reception that was the BOMB to me...buffet, food all over the place (crab cakes, beef, chicken, turkey...and it was ALL GOOD too) and open bar (now I am not just talking about alcohol for all you drinkers out there, but it was at Martin's West and most times you have to even pay for SODA you know...so that was a GRAET bonus...)
But the BEST thing about the reception was the fact that me and my line sisters got to talk and talk and talk...and when we talk we talk TRASH, we laugh we joke, we cut each other up
WE just have GREAT TIME!!!!!
So after we left I realized just how much I miss those women...
not all of us were able to make it...we were missing 4 out of the 14...but the 10 of us (plus our Danny) made the most of it...
We will be FIVE whole YEARS old in Delta this year and we are planning to do something together and I am HYPED about it
So here's to US ladies...I love you all!!!!
Awww! I'm sure ya'll had so much fun. I just emailed my LS saying I wish I could attend the 4th anniversary party in April. I miss them!! A LS's wedding is in June so that will be a mini reunion. Congrats on 5 years in Delta. OO-OOOP!
AWWW that's nice that you got to catch up with them...glad you had fun :)
@southern_lady-OO-OOOP to you too soror! Weddings always make for special moments...esp since we solute the braid...so you all WILL have a GREAT time I am sure!
@honey-it was an all around GREAT weekend...
hey miss missy!! :D
glad you had a fun and that you managed to make it home to share some time with your lonely big sister. :( (LOL)
you guys look like you were having a fabulous time! i smiled the entire time i was reading your post!
"There's nothing better than love" - Luther Vandross & Gregory Hines
That's what Im talking about. I already know that Im gon cry. You heard it first. lol.
beautiful! i'm happy everything was great for all in attendance.
@jus-Hhhhheeeeyyy BIG sis! what it do...YES we had a ball...it was good times...
@teej-its ok to cry tears of joy and to be happy...that's cool...
@blu-Thanks!!!! its was beautiful in deed
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