Ok so I have previously shared my dumbee moments with you guys but I guarantee that this moment truly TAKES the cake!
So Saturday night we (Kiamsha) return from Atlanta, GA. We had a really GREAT trip, no issues with the youth, a GREAT performance, poetry night and tour. (But I will get to this in another post)
So as I normally do I go and sit on my balcony to think about things...so that's what I proceeded to do...So once I finished and I am ready to go inside I realize something...the glass door is LOCKED! Yes people I locked my dumb butt out on the balcony.

And all I can think to myself is YOU BIG DUMBEEE! LMBO!!!!
AND by the way I had JUST deleted my most recent calls which included KW's boyfriend's (BF) number (KW's phone was stolen this past weekend and I knew she was with her boyfriend and SHE (other than my mom) is the only person that has a key to my house)...
How in the world am I going to get in the house? What am I going to do? So I call KW's house and get her momma...tell her what's going on and she calls KW's BF...she is calling and calling and finally she gets a call back. So she talks to KW and KW is on the way.
So you would think the story would end right here right, WRONG!
Why you ask? Oh because my dumb butt had put the top security bar on the door...so she can't JUST get in...
So when KW gets there (in like 15 minutes by the way because she jumped up and came right over...that's why I love my little sis)she has to try to stick her hand in the crack of the door to push the bar back and get it open. So after trying for about 5-10 minutes its NOT working...she goes down stairs to the car to get a hanger to try to put that in the crack hook it on the bar and pull it back...after about another 5-10 minutes we realize that's not going to work.
Now MIND you I am on my balcony and SEE all of this and can see what she needs to do but I can't tell her how to do it, I am trying but its not working...I am up on the 3rd floor can't jump down and work it out...so she decides to try and ram the door and break the bar...after two tries and making a lot of noise at like 11pm at night my neighbor comes out I guess to see what the heck is going on...luckily I have really nice neighbors so she immediately explains the situation and he goes in to get her a screw driver (its a good thing that she is over often and my neighbors know her as my little sister and have seen her come and go, AND the fact that I live in a pretty decent area so he didn't come out gun in hand...weww that would have been not so good)...they are both trying to get the screws out of the bar but she doesn't think it will happen...finally she says "T you are going to have to call the Fire Department" so I do...but just then this, as soon as I hang up, little 5 foot tall 125 pound sistah rams the door one more time and GETS in the house!!!! So I call back to tell them never mind (that's GREAT because they was talking like they was going to have to break down the door) and she unlocks the balcony door...
ALL we can both do is laugh because this is totally UNBELIEVABLE...like I SO am on my OWN TOTALLY UNBELIVABLE LIST!
Man what a night!
I love my peoples, we so take care of each other...I had just been with her for 3 days straight and I knew she wanted to go on a date with her BF but as soon as I needed her she was right there...clowning me as she should, but right there helping me out...
We really are as good as the people around us...
So shot out to KW my little sis FO LIFE! Thanks!!!!
And as for my dumb butt...best believe that won't happen again...oh and I know you may be thinking how in the HELL did she do that? Well the lock was half way up and half way down so it just locked itself...GREAT for security purposes NOT so GREAT for someone stuck outside of the door...especially if you live alone like me...I hope this made you laugh because it sure is freakin funny to me!
You shouldn't be surprised she banged it open. Them W-girls are short and stature, but big on power!
I love ya'll.
I wasn't surprised at all...just like "yea that's my peoples right there..."
now this joint is funny!
I know right...too funny...I am OFF the HOOK...
baby stay off the balcony.
@Teej-I know right...all I can do is laugh...
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