Now I am assuming that this is an act of affection towards the person that you love...but this is the thing that I can't get with. I don't have an issue with tattoos because I myself HAVE a tattoo, nor do I have an issue with showing your love for someone, but really just HOW FAR DO YOU GO?
I mean really...
According to the streets Trina and Wayne recently broke upand Wayne is now with Solange. So now it didn't work out...what do you do with this tatoo thats ON your body? What do you do with it?
I mean really, let's think about this logically...
I guess to me that's just dumb...its not a sign of "ghetto love" its a sign of lack of good judgment, period! A man or a woman is NOT guaranteed to you so why would you put their name on you...ring finger none the less did we NOT learn from Trech and Peppa...
I mean I am not even going to get into the "body is a temple" issue or the spiritual issue...that it should stand for something...or even its a form of artistic expression...how in the world is your "mans/womans" name artistic expression then how crazy will you feel when you are no longer with him or her...
...shouldn't a tattoo stand for something a purpose? I am wrong for thinking that's really dumb to have a man/woman name tattooed on you? I don't know people talk to me what do you all think?
Pictures courtesy of Crunk & Disorderly
..shouldn't a tattoo stand for something a purpose? I am wrong for thinking that's really dumb to have a man/woman name tattooed on you? I don't know people talk to me what do you all think?
Funny you mention this topic.
My younger brother just got his first tattoo as at 22 years old. It’ smy mothers name. While I understand his purpose behind the choice type, I don’t see eye to eye on the tattoo. Nothing against it, just wanted to know the true concrete reason for doing it. Is it a phase? A part of malehood?
Yes, I feel your tatt should stand for something, and not just be a fad. I am againt putting my “mate’s” name on me. I know who I love, and who loves me. That’s why we have these nice and shiny rings, LOL.
I don't have any tats and most likely will never get one, but I'm not against them or have issues with those that do have them. I just think it's a trend that has gone waaaay too far in many cases. As for Wayne & Trina, they're both idiots... God bless em.
@gmo- I don't see anything wrong with a Tat in general, but all over the body and names of your "mate" I can't get with
@awotm- totally agree with the "mate" issue...I have seen a couple of folks get their kids or do a tribute to their parents...which is "kinda" understandable...I look at it like thisyour children are YOUR children promised to you…a “mate” isn’t necessarily...I have just learned that nothing in life is guaranteed to me but my parents and my kids that’s it, that's all...and my ring will be enough to distinguish or show my eternal commitment to my husband...
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