Monday, April 19, 2010

umi says....searching

"i ain't no perfect man, I'm to do the best that i can with what it is i have"

man if that doesn't sum up how i am feeling

so i am finally back to work, and i am still not as motivated as i should be....

"tomorrow may never appear, you better hold this very moment close to you....SO CLOSE TO YOU"

it's 107 days until my birthday...doesn't seem like that long of a time being that its already April 19 and all the days since last April 19 seem like a huge blur...

momma didn't lie

"sometimes i get discouraged....sometimes i feel crying...sometimes my heart gets...sometimes you just wanna leave and fly away...sometimes i don't know what to do with myself...feel like a man (woman) going insane"

DUDE that's exactly how i feel...

"sometimes i don't want to be bothered...sometimes i don't want to be a solider"

DUDE that's exactly how i feel...

i am tired...and i have all these feelings all these thoughts all these emotions that just keep coming and going coming and going coming and going coming and going

all these questions about where i am or where i should be...but dude where is it that i should be??? at 29 years old what more can i accomplish why is it that

i feel so fulfilled and so empty all at the same time

"...see butterflies up in the sky I'm searching...what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong...i'll live in a truthful way...searching searching searching searching searching searching searching searching searching searching....."


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