Thursday, October 30, 2008

nothing to say

you ever have something to say but nothing to say at all...
that's how i feel...

i am not lonely
i am not bored
i am actually, what's the word for it...

yea i think that pretty much can sum up how i am feeling right now about my life...

nothing is wrong, everything is what it is...and everything will continue to be what its going to be...

the one thing i have learned and continue to learn is to NOT take things personal, because no matter how good you are to people, or at what you do, or who you are...somebody is always going to have something to its best to pick your big gurl drawers on and keep it moving...

i thank the women in my life for helping me get to that point in understanding that what i feel and what i deal with is really okay...

i am no longer delusional about life, love or who i am as a person...

nor have a lost my sense of romance or that spice for life...but i enjoy making myself laugh, i enjoy making myself happy and enjoy being full of joy...over the smallest thing...such as see my Daddy smile...hearing my brother laugh or seeing the love in my mother's eyes for me...

you ever get to this point, where you feel grown like REALLY grown...

your parents opinion will always matter, but you know you gotta make your own decisions...
what your girls will always be your girls, but you understand that you all have different lives and different things that you are trying to do...
you are no longer starting to be as hard as you have been on yourself and begin to really take the time to reflect on your life choices and lessons learned so that you can actually BE a better person...
you begin to stop existing and begin living....
not all people are genuine and its cool, you understand that's why GOD gives you instincts and you keep it moving...
you recognize the real and you keep moving past the fake...
you are no longer judgemental and you just appreciate people for who they are, i mean REALLY appreciate people for who they are...the good, the bad and the ugly...

yea i am totally digging this falling in love with ME process...

man i am gettin grown


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u are grown and BOOO

i scared u i scared u lol

But maybe it's just me... said...

This is've put into words a similar 'nothing to say' sentiment that I often have as well. Isn't truly growing and 'growing up' wonderful?!