Thursday, November 16, 2006


As if that mess with OJ wasn't enough...

NOW there is a video out with little Black boys being urged to fight one none other than what seems to be their very own parents!

St. Petersburg, Florida - The video is hard to watch and it's littered with profanity and racial slurs.

For nearly two minutes, adults, possibly even parents, cheer on two young boys to duke it out.

It was posted on the popular website, by a teen claiming to be from St. Petersburg.

Click Here to watch (the video is to the left of the screen...please note: the video is hard to watch and it's littered with profanity and racial slurs.)

This video is disappointing, heart wrenching, and totally sad...

You have children that are being bred to fight each use physical force as a form of entertainment for those whom they more than likely look up to

It goes along with what I read in No Disrespect by Sister Soulja...

Chapter One: Mother
The parents of the black children were confused as well. Either they were overlooked and poorly educated (thus disconnected and uninvolved in the schooling of their children)the black parents went merrily along as the white children received the benefits of preferential arrangements-and there were many-that were provided through the tax dollars of both black and whit working people. In fact, black parents went to great lengths to prove that they were not black and conscious, or black and hostile, or black and demanding. They attended all kinds of integrated unity festivals..Meanwhile, many white students and their parents attended separate all white, semi-private coming gatherings...

Why do I bring that up? I bring that up because there is a serious disconnect in our community and among our people. There is no sense of pride, self-respect, or connection to the past. If the parents in this video truly understood the perils of enslavement, and the struggles of the Civil rights movement, and understood the power of teaching their children how to use their minds to advance and not their physical (even at the young age of what looks to be 7 or 8 years old) then such a video wouldn't exist.

I won't even get into the level of using the n-word, which is a clear indication of the disconnect. Our children are being lead by people that can't even lead themselves because they weren't lead our children don't even know the power in their heritage, their history they don't even know the power and brilliance of their minds because they aren't being taught to use it, to expand it to reach for anything better than what they see around them.

Just dealing with young people not only with Kiamsha, but tutoring these kids that come out of the DC Public School system and looking at how they are purposely being set up to fail in life...its totally something I can't even put into words...

I grew up in an area where this was a "rites of passage"

BUT what we have to get is that EDUCATION (understanding history) TRULY is YOUR rite of passage!

And that's why I bring up the point that the public school systems in urban areas such as DC and Baltimore, aren't really educating our young people..

That's why I think its equally important that we reach back, really go back and help in any way we can to start to really bring about the understanding that
EDUCATION IS THE KEY to changing our way or life...and we HAVE to emphasizingsising this to young people again...

"No you don't have a choice, its either college or a trade school, but you WILL do something in THIS LIFE"

My parents (and many of my friends parents...) never gave me the option education was ALWAYS ENFORCED in my house...I was going to college, I was going to graduate school, it wasn't even a thought about me NOT going...and now that I have made it through, shouldn't I help another young person make it, make it out...have a future...

That old saying "each one teach one" is so true...its time for us to take back our village...all it takes is one person reaching one person...if you don't know you can't do better...

BUT we DO know so what are WE going to do about it?

Another interesting article that was brought to my attention today by MikeSee...

Dated, Nov. 13, 2006: WTO Announcemens Formalized Slavery Model for Africa


Anonymous said...

Glad you put this one out there after the discussion group we've had over email.

T.a.c.D said...

yep yep

Ms.Honey said...

WOW...this is just like parents fighting at sporting events..not being example to their children...on top of that have you seen that video I think it's called Black like me..talking about black girls and how they only want to play with the white dolls and have good hair..interesting...

H. Lewis Smith said...


Los Angeles, CA., Author H. Lewis Smith has written a thought provoking, culturally divided book that will not only spark heated conversation, but can also bring about real change. The N-word is often used in the African American community amongst each other and is generally not a problem when spoken by another African American. However, once the word is used by a Caucasian person, it brings on other effects. The question is "who can use the word and why?" Smith believes it is a word that should be BURIED!!!!

The book is written in a manner that all can understand. The points are
well-taken and the wording is easy to follow. There are quotes from great
people in our history including Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, James Baldwin and many, many others. Smith has mixed history with honesty, love with life, education with effects. This is a great book for educators, parents, managers, professionals, newsmen, and anyone else wanting an in-depth look at the N-word, the effects and the solutions. A MUST READ!!!!

H. Lewis Smith has studied the idioms, meanings and the psychological impact of words, its energy and vibratory effects on the human mind for more than two decades. He has been a guest on several talk shows, The Power, The Exchange, Andrea Williams’ Jamin 98.3 and many more. To learn more about Bury that Sucka, please visit

T.a.c.D said...

@honey-yea its really sad, my man Dane (see Danger on the side) did a post about the video you are speaking of a while back...and we had a nice dialogue about should check it out

@H.L.Smith-I will definitely check out your site and see what you are talking sounds interesting...