if i could dress like this everyday i would...i love funky stuff like this...i dress honestly, funky as often as i can...but i must admit that i have gotten swept up in the whole classic look from time to time, and so there are certain things that i now want purchase like classic wrap dresses and stuff like that...
of course this need for a "make over" comes form my new most favs show "how to look good naked" have you seen it?
i luv luv luv that show! me and me love watched it (yes he actually watched it with me this weekend in between or before a game) even he liked the show...
anywho i really luv the concept of just getting women to appreciate and love the skin that they are in. me love asked "babe, so when do they exercise?" and i had to inform him that they don't! the concept and premise of the show is that okay THIS is the body that YOU ARE IN, how do you look your best!
that's what i luv! no fade diets, the host take women through a total self evaluation, inside out to just accept who they are...and its beautiful to me! so in 08 that's part of my evolution, to just accept TC! i am not a size 6 hell i am not a size 12 but i love the skin i am in...and YES i need to eat better and exercise for my health NOT to be skinny!
and imma keep it funky at all times!
I hope all is well. I just wanted to thank you for posting on your blog about “How To Look Good Naked.” You have played an important part in the huge success of its' premiere.
Taken from Lifetime’s press release:
“How to Look Good Naked was a particularly strong performer (1.3 HH) and debuted as the most watched reality series among A18-34, A18-49 and W18-34 in Lifetime’s 24-year history.”
Have a great day!!!
Ok, you have to tell me how to work this thing!
i've been meaning to check out that show. i'm so over makeover shows, which is why i was initially avoiding it. glad to hear they're focused on being fine with the natural self. i'm down with that.
PREACH! i've heard and read that self-esteem issues come from' not what you think of yourself or how others think of you' but what you think they think about you. I'll be the first to agree with the logic and findings and simultaneouly maintain total disbelief at how widespread the behavior is.
erykah is so funky fresh... I love her!
She is such a pure free spirit
i've got love for people like Ms. Badu because she's not afraid of who she is and expresses herself through herself. I used to be that way when I was younger and into my college days, but once I got into the "real" world, I kind of pulled back some. Now that I've truly grown up and could care less what the masses say, I've reverted back into my free expression.
Carson Kressly is a friend in my head. I adore him and love the premise of the show. I've wanted to watch it, but since I typically only watch shows that I DVR, I never remember to watch it. I think I'm going to set it up to record so I can catch it.
PLEASE be and do you girlie. I've seen your pix and you're beautiful and you should express all that is you.
Me too girl...I just don't know where to shop...
I watched that show for the first time over the long weekend and I fell in love with it! I am very big on embracing and loving yourself just as you are, so to see a show that focuses more on a mentality makeover than a physical makeover is just what the doctor ordered!
@carrie- i truly love the show
@ki-i know you feel me
@nikki-the show is totally AWESOME!
@bmw-gots to keep it reala
@eb-ms badu is all that i am i so wish i was artistic because i would rock that all the time...maybe i need to b a teacher or something i am not totally sold on the 9-5 thing
@blu-him is my bestest in my head too! lol...its about just being true to yourself and loving yourself flaws and all
@sbc-i KNOW that's right!
@mystery-side shops...off the wall places you can't go to department stores...for me its like u street or georgetown, even up against the wall has some off the wall stuff
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