Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So when did or does trying to live your life a certain type of way make you a hypocrite...
no one is perfect, everyone doesn't walk and no one will ever be able to walk or be perfect that's not what its about...but because i am taking steps like being determined to be abstinent (not just for the obvious biblical reasons, but let's just say for commonsense reasons...did you NOT get the latest STD and AIDS stats for this area...naw son i am good)

but because i said i want a husband whose head is Christ and i want to be the best wife i can be, but admittedly i will have to have pre-martial counseling to deal with the whole "submission" issue that right there says i know i have work to do...

but my view because i take a strong stance is full of hypocrisy...we do enough stuff daily not even thinking about it that is wrong, why purposely do something that isn't right...

this kept me up last night...praying because this isn't how a conversation with someone should be going on day mentor said it wouldn't be easy

i ended it with this:

I'm trying my best to be better & to do better every single day, and every single day I fail at it in some way shape or form, but I still try. That doesn't make me better than anyone else or worse, it makes me trying, falling short but still willing to try again tomorrow. I want someone that's going to help me be better, someone i can look to and help guide me, we guide and support each other, to be better in this life, that's it. That's the house I live in


MJ said...

I definitely can feel this post... It immediately reminds me of a scripture at 1 John 3:20 that says "as regards whatever our hearts may condemn us in, because God is greater than our hearts and knows all things." Sometimes our own hearts make us feel like we're worse than God even thinks that we are... Its so good to know that his way of thinking and judgment is so much different from the way we may judge even ourselves.

Then it also reminds me of another scripture at 1 Peter 4:4 that says "Because YOU do not continue running with them in this course to the same low sink of debauchery, they are puzzled and go on speaking abusively of YOU." So if people are saying things like that to you, then the truth is that you are actually on the right course... They said the same things about Jesus, so why wouldn't they say those things to you since you are trying to imitate him? Keep it up :)

T.a.c.D said...

MJ you just don't know how much that last scripture just man...oh makes me truly glad that i posted this today! thanks for sharing Bro really THANK you