Wednesday, December 23, 2009

snow day

this past weekend the DMV got hit with major snow...

so i made it a point to unpack the rest of my things (i only have 2 boxes left and i will be fixing up the second bedroom in the spring)

i really enjoyed it i felt accomplished like ok i really got some things done that i really needed to get done so that i can keep moving forward with my life...

i even cooked both saturday and sunday...sunday i threw down i had smothered chicken breasts, yellow rice, spinach and some biscuts!

the girl can cook i just have to be motivated to do so...

my brother had my cooking for the first time, and i definitely believe that he was in shock that my food was so his mind i really think he thinks i am still 16...its cool though we are both learning each other so it is what it is...point is now he knows i can burn and burn good!

i had been doing really well with feeling good and feeling excited but now that the holiday is on friday i feel so blah...i know that once this first year being without my parental units is over that next year it will be better...i also know that i was anticipating not being single so that's a bit of a bummer but it is what it is...

i am going to go and get my eyebrows and hair done today in the hopes that i will feel much better about myself...because right now i am just blah

not heavy but just a little sad...not as sad as i was on thanksgiving though...

anyways...enough about that stuff...

some people i know now have lists for 2010...i don't have any lists of things that i want to do, but i know that i want to live my BEST life in 2010 so that's what i am going to do...

i am going to eat right, exercise, work hard and play just as hard!

i definitely just want to be the best TC i can be...

i think i am going to take some time to reflect over the next week or so and really get myself aligned for the new year...

i have plenty of love and plenty of people around me that are doing well and doing positive and for the most part, that's what i tend to focus on...

but Christmas will definitely be a little different without the early morning hug from my mom & dad...

Happy Holidays folks!

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