i think of it as an art...
what prompted me to even think about it today is an email conversation me and jac were having around this picture of Rhianna
the question was asked would i wear this?
i actually thought about it and said: YES
and here is why...she is young, she is an artist, and she honestly believes based on what we see that fashion is a form of art...which i totally agree with her...like they said in the Devil Wear's Prada "not only is it art but its art that you wear EVERYDAY"
yes clothes (including shoes and accessories) are the one thing other than hair that you can wear that can truly show how you are feeling...
is it just me or when you have that FRESH hair you just feel cutier and then you put on that really FLY dress or hook some jeans up with some bangin shoes and accessories...
fashion allows us all to just be who we really are, funky, chic, edgy, rocker, hip hop...whatever you are feeling like, whatever your mood...fashion takes it to another level...
NOW at my age, my size, in what i do for a living and what i do in the community in MY personal life, NO I wouldn't wear that...it wouldn't be as we would say "appropriate"
have i seen some sistah's my age and my size with something like this or similar on heck YES...but you gotta know your place and space in life and realize that not everything is made for everybody...and not everybody HAS to want to rock something this daring either...
honestly as daring i would like to be i am about 8 years to late and my body shape doesn't call for things like this...that's why my person of style that I love and would follow and actually feel like i would ROCK anything she wears is she:

so I have some pieces but i am totally working on getting my game up like this...my shoe game is tight, i just need to wear them...and add a few more staple pairs (yea i know some folks will say i don't need to....but I really do! LOL)
my dress game i am working on...
my jean game is sick, i just need to get back in em..
my accessories game is getting up there...BIG rings and all...
hair heck i can just add some and be fine...LOL...
so imma totally work on getting to that point...
but seriously, that right there folks is ME...and i LOVE IT!
"hair heck i can just add some and be fine...LOL..."
love it! LMBO!
i know right CLASSIC!
I got my hair done on Monday and did it ever have me feeling all kinds of cute. I love that I can take a simple pair of jeans, put on my sexy shoes and it's on and poppin.
love to live; live to love!
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