Friday, March 27, 2009

the maybe its me rAdomneSS list

i mean maybe its just me but when someone is trying to plan something for you it might be nice for you to actually chill out and let them do just that plan it for know they do actually love you and respect you and want the BEST for you...

but maybe its just me...

i mean maybe i don't' want you cursing me out and the fact that you are a homeless person doesn't mean that i won't turn around and have it become the crazy v crazy match of the year...i ain't gonna keep letting it ride because you missed your meds ain't right to curse people out and just talk to people, mainly STRANGER any kind of way...

but maybe its just me...

i mean maybe you really had absolutely no right or even human decency to NOT let that man go in and see his mother-in-law as she took her last barely let her child get to her side, and by the time he finally got inside she was gone, but you are supposed to be here to protect and serve...i think the PD can sometimes be the most ruthless GANG of them all...sometimes

but maybe its just me

i mean maybe you aint got to stare all hard and stuff, say something...women do respond to HELLO and not your eyes just undressing them

but maybe its just me

u mean maybe i just want a career that will allow me to be creative and build something that i really want to build and work with young people, maybe i don't want a "gobment" job because it might just end up being just that a you mean i can't be happy AND secure all at the same time, its one or the other...NOPE i reject that philosophy...

but maybe its just me

i mean maybe people are just plain old reckless out her with theirs they don't care who they hurt or what they do, so maybe you don't need to just off the break be sleeping with folks and you BARELY even really know who they know like where they live, who their family is all that type of stuff...if you haven't had family introductions or conversations about being in a "committed" relationship maybe just maybe you should lock it up..or how about really wait until somebody (forget a ring) put some papers ON IT...and then see....

but maybe its just me....

hell i mean maybe you at least got a 90 day probationary period on your freaking job and it takes about 6-8 months to become fully acclimated to a position, you mean it won't at least take you that long to become acclimated to a person...

but maybe its just me....

i mean maybe i am tired of being broke being broke aint not joke, well not really broke and not really even feeling the recession, i am blessed but don't ever get it twisted i am still struggling real life is hard as hell

but maybe its just me...

i mean maybe you gotta grow and learn and live and get some years to be wise to really know yourself...but hey you can't tell everyone that...and people don't seem to listen..but hell TELL ME....

but maybe its just me...

hey i love people and will always be there for those that i truly care about and love, but hell i am tired, cranky and lonely too sometimes, you know checking on me from time to time would be a little nice...

but aw hell in the end maybe its just ME


GemisMyName said...

It's not just you. I love this!

Blu Jewel said...

girl please! you know it ain't just you! there's a bunch of stuff in here that's me too!

love to live; live to love!

jendayi said...

I love this T. Lol. I can see you rolling your neck and speaking all loud with this too! Lol.

T.a.c.D said...

Gen/Blu: glad to know its not just me

jac: actually i just have this " dumb look on my face about it man..." LOL