I was going to try to blog about how i felt and my feelings of Joy, pride, excitement...but i think that my great-grandmother Emma Dallas said it best
“There is going to come a time that the bottom of the tub is gonna come to the top”
what she meant by that my grand mother explained was that we as a people-and not just black , white, brown, yellow, red or purple its all people all disenfranchised people, all people who are tired of being sick and tired-were going to rise up…and that we did…
am i totally convinced that the as my girl said "glass of racism is now half full" no not really...BUT for the first time since my freshman year of college I am definitely seeing that WE can come together…and that progress can be made… and that’s HUGE…I am at a place where I actually feel like what I studied and worked hard for, my future and my children’s future matters!
and it is totally because of Barak Obama his disposition, his character, his intelligence, his credentials, his identity, his graciousness, and his ability to connect with the masses and the majority.
i want to end with this:
please remember-it took us 8 years, EIGHT to get to this point...
President Obama can NOT get us out turmoil in a year or two...and I am glad he said that last night...its going to take time to turn this country around...so NO we can't party just yet we gotta work...and we gotta work TOGETHER!
We know that WE (Black people) are our worst enemies and we are more racist amongst one another than any race could ever be. We have been conditioned to believe that the White man is and will always be against us so we have never fully opened our eyes to allow ourselves to see more clearly and open our minds to allow ourselves to think more clearly or outside of the box (our conditioned, drilled in the head ways).
Racism definitely exists but more within our own community.
Say that sistah!
Agrees with RM, but I truly hope that we'll use "Yes we can" as more than just a campaign slogan and truly put it in effect. This man has strived to meet the collective need for change and not just any one people. All people need to help him be effective and especially those of us in the black community.
Change will not come overnight, but with positive action and support, we can see a better tomorrow.
To me that was the most important part of his speech... when he promised to dedicate his life to making things better but was realistic in letting us know that it may not happen in this first term...
Even still YES we can and Yes We did
Go obama!!!!!!!!!!
my biggest fear for him is that ppl will lose sight of the fact that change can't and won't happen overnight. so, i was very glad to hear him acknowledge that in his speech.
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