Wednesday, April 30, 2008


at my desk right now...i haven't sat at my desk for an entire day since Friday April that means that work hasn't gotten done, and things are still up in the air...i think i am tired of people being incosiderate of other people's time and i am also tired of feeling like i am constantly being over talked or over stepped by folks...i DO in fact and indeed know what it is that i am doing...just give me an hour, an hour at my desk so that i can process and get some stuff actually done...monday was in meetings then it was answering emails, tuesday all day meeting, this mornning meetings, lunch and then a call...just give me an hour please...

i need some music but i cna't find my head phones to listen to anything which is driving me absolutely insane...

"thank you LORD that i even have a job, so many people aren't as thank you" that's what i have to keep saying so that i don't scream before 5pm today...everyday i walk pass more than a dozen homeless individuals who in some form or fashion have a mental illness and/or substance abuse i am blessed...

i was actually feeling really good about the meeting i was in yesterday and feeling like i participated and contributed and it was a really good day...actually went by pretty fast which is good considering that it was an all day event....but when i came in today to realize that i was going to be in meetings and yet another work day was going to go by and i wouldn't get caught up the wall began to close in on me...

i need to go and exercise tonight and let off some steam let some things out or else imma go absolutely crazy...i can totally feel me going crazy...a nice walk will also do me some good... is some good music from me to you:


GemisMyName said...

Hang in there sis..I'm rooting for you. GO team TC!

I know all about the all day meeting and maybe starting MY work at 4:00....such a conspiracy but He would never put more than you can bear on ya...


You got me blogging like a mad woman too..

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

its friday woman dont be over whelmed and when my book gone make your page

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

Sistah I feel your frustrations...but you are doing the right thing by thanking God for a job...I don't know if you already do, but ask him what your purpose is while you are there. It's training grounds for bigger and's gotta be something you're suppose to learn while you are there!

Ms. Confessions said...

Get your time, dont let them allow you to fall behind. You're very right, people are not considerate of your time...

T.a.c.D said...

@precious-it is a total set up...but we'll make it

@all-i am ordering my book friday, thank ya!

@keisha-it definitely is a training ground, and makes me know my day is coming

@ms-i like that!