you gotta make your own happiness!
back to the real point of this post, you know there has been a lot going on in my life, and by my life I mean my direct life as well as those who are around me, lately and it just causes me to pause and sit back and reflect you know...and the one thing that continues to come up to ME is the fact that, YOU can't control anyone but YOU!
let me say that againYOU can NOT control anyone but YOU....
what do i mean,
if someone is a jackbutt guess what, that's their issue NOT yours
if someone is selfish, guess what, that's their issue NOT yours....
i mean i can go and on...but the main point is this, people are going to be people, you can be having the best day OR it can be your day, you know like your birthday or something, and if people want to be nasty and crazy and all of that, that's exactly what they'll going to do, but why let that affect you?
now, of course this is totally easier said then done, but its something that i think people should be honestly conscious can't rely totally on others to make you happy, you have to rely on yourself...relying on others will set you up for disappointment, feel me?
why? because we all have certain expectations, and if you are leaning or depending on people to make YOU smile, then you might not be smiling that often...
it goes along with my point of we all chose our attitudes and how we WANT to make your own happiness...
you can not give any ONE person or THING that much control over YOU that they can keep you from being happy because of THEIR attitude or outlook on life, on love, or on you....
sometimes in life you just have to sit back and take "stock" so to speak on your life, your loved ones, and your friends...and once you do that, then you figure out what's real and true and what isn't...and then you meet people where they are...
some people you just party with
some people you'll always be there for but you know they won't be there for you
some people are like blood, and always will be family
some people you'll always be there for and they will be there for you sometimes
some people you'll talk to daily and others you'll talk to every now and then...
some people you'll always be there for and you know they'll always be there for you...unconditionally
so you just learn who and what is in your life and YOU limit their access based on what role they fill, based on who they are...and you understand that its really OK, you don't love them any less they are who they are just like you are who you are...
and you go back to looking at the ONE person that really determines what makes or breaks you, and that is YOU!
So I say as we continue to transition into the second half of the year, we take stock, take inventory and make our own way, make our own happiness...
Good post!! This reminds me of Madea for some reason...
First time here by way of GC. Take stock, tack inventory and find your picture perfect place. I!
Miscellaneous Matters
Great takes a lot to look in the mirror and decide YOU are the one in control of yourself, good or bad...
I look forward to more!
i so love this post T! You said what needed to be said and to quote you, this is "real talk".
we cannot allow ourselves to be sucked into things that aren't good for us. i posted something last week about friends/friendships which in part supports this topic.
we have to do what's in our own best interest; surround ourselves with the best people for our spirits; and to know who is for us and against us.
g'on witcha bad self sis!
AMEN!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!! I'm feeling everything u r saying.
Preach! I haven't been here in a while, but it's good to be back. I took a blog break while I was getting settled in my place.
WOW..good post.
You're so positive! I love it!
@mystery-thank ya kindly...
@rosemarie-i did too!
@angel-ONLY you can decide
@blu-i learn from the best!
@bmw-hope the new place is good...and glad you are back
@iiwii-im trying!
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