Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Well the surgery day was pretty eventful...

Yes, eventful

I wish I could say it wasn't but it really was...

First, on Friday, when I went for my pre-op appointment I found out that the cyst had grown from 13 cm to about 6 inches...

YES 6 inches! It was the size of a lemon...

The good thing was that it (the cyst) had stabilized and hadn't grown since my last appointment...but here is the thing...how about I didn't even know it had grown that much, I mean I remember everyone being freaked out about it and saying that it couldn't wait until after the first of the year, but geesh...I didn't know it was that big...

But then I was told that I had two "functional clear cysts" on the right...now remember the first time I had one, second none, now, two...so this could be from a number of things, including the fact that my body was in the process of ovulation...who really knows...

So they told me that they would look into it when they went in for the left cyst...

Day of

Me and my mom get to the hospital
check in
everything is cool...oh, but one thing, the person in front of me is having complications so my time gets pushed back...

I don't go into the OR until about 1:15pm...so while I am waiting I have this SHARP pain on my right side...well come to find out, that the two cysts on the right ruptured and I was homogening really badly...So instead of the surgery taking 40 mins to an hour it took 2 hours and 20 mins...instead of 3 incisions, I have 4...

BUT the cyst doesn't look to be cancerous and the surgeon sent the fluid and the cyst off to be tested...so I will know it two weeks when I go back for my check up with the deal is...

It really hasn't been all that bad...I have been in some serious pain and all of that good stuff but they didn't have to do a "binki" cut to get in and get stuff out (had they HAD to do that I would still be IN the hospital)

Pain is all relative when GOD keeps blessing me and bringing me out alright...

So today, by the graced of my supervisor, I am working from home, restin and healin...I will face the land of the living fully tomorrow...

Until then...



Blu Jewel said...

Glad to hear that your surgery went well and that you're resting. May prayers continue to bless you and aid in your healing and feeling better.

layne bowden said...

heyyy t.c.!

altho' i wasn't around for the "initial" post about your surgery, i'm glad that everything went well and that you're recovering nicely.

Pain is all relative when GOD keeps blessing me and bringing me out alright...

you know what? i LOVE that statement and i'll definitely use it as a reminder!

thanks for visiting my spot!! i hope you'll come back often...


Anonymous said...

Wow....6 inches! Very glad to hear the surgery went well after what had to have been a very frustrating day. I had a functional cyst rupture once (knew I'd been hurting but didn't know why) and walked myself to the ER in the middle of a cold rainy night (heh...was 3 blocks, lol). Keep your spirits high. You an amazing person, T.C. I'd be whining to everyone who'd listen. :P

Anonymous said...

Hey You!

May you have a smooth and quick recovery. you're in my thoughts always! Glad to see you're blogging.

Shai said...

Thank the Lord. Godspeed on your healing and the test results.

Anonymous said...

Shit! What have I missed on blog hiatus.

Im glad you are okay lovely lady.

T.a.c.D said...

@blu-yea it went pretty well...

@jus.b.fli-I will definitely be checking your spot out...you know it wasn't until you pointed out what I said that I really realized how powerful that stmt is...man...
but please come back and

@noname-I mean I have complained but I don't think people really get it...And I can totally understand why you walked to the ER..that pain is OFF the HOOK...Thanks for the compliment..that means a lot to me!

@awotm-Hey you!!!! Thanks...you know I gots to blog about it...I am addicted

@shai-Hey...thanks for stopping past Imma check you out...Thank you for the well wishes...

@teej-yea a lot does go on when you ain't around...see why you have to be here...LOL...

yea I am hanging in there...

THANKS for all the wonderful words folks!!!!!!!!! It means a lot!

NegroPino™ said...

Good to hear..so what's next.

T.a.c.D said...

@negro-I go back in two weeks for a check up and they will give me the results then...so I will know more at that point...