Tuesday, July 15, 2008


there is a reason why in the back of my mind i never felt comfortable
there is a reason why i always kept one eye open and always looked around the corner, always had a backup plan always asked questions because i was never to sure...

there is a reason, and when you pray for GOD to reveal stuff to you he does, in his own time...

so many questions, main one though is why, why lie to me...why cheat...why do all the things that i told you i NEVER wanted anyone to ever do to me...why???

i will never know the answer to that question or why you felt the need to lie about EVERYTHING...you clearly weren't honest with me about anything, anything AT ALL...

am i crushed...Yes
am i hurt...beyond belief
did i just have my entire life and my entire future, everything that i dreamed about and talked about with you...all LIES...

so that leaves me to have to start over YET AGAIN...and that's okay...i have done it before and i can do it again

do i know that there is a lesson in this that i have to learn, it sure is...and i'll learn it...

and until then i'll keep praying and THANKING GOD for making what was real, really REAL to me this morning when that phone rang...

what's in the dark ALWAYS comes to the light as my momma always says and it did and for that i will forever be grateful...so now i'll pick up my pieces and i move forward because i am stronger than this, better than this...

no doubt it will take a while but i'll get there