Sunday, September 10, 2006

Its whatever

Man I got to go to Vegas for Five days...
I just got back last night from Atlanta...and now I have to leave and go to Vegas on Tuesday. I guess I should be excited, but the thought of being away for Five days working doesn't really excite me. Initially, I was supposed to leave Tuesday and come back Friday, but then someone left our job so now I have to stay until Sunday.

I am glad that I am going to Vegas though, I have never been before, so that's what's up!!!

I am so tired, but I am supposed to go to Adams Morgan Day I really going? I don't know. I haven't heard from my partner in crime on that trip so who knows. I am good just laying on my couch all day watching TV.
Why did I just have soup for breakfast? I don't know it was in the Fridge and why not...

That hotel we stayed in, in Atlanta was the WORSE! Tara's Inn & Suites...yeah right...that place looked like bugs was about to get us! Literally...we slept in our up showered and hit it to the was terrible, in fact when we checked in, which was late Friday night, the man behind the front desk had a gun, yes a GUN! I assumed that he was a police officer doing a part time job, but man....

I never had breakfast at the Golden Corral until yesterday...that was was the first someone from Atlanta was nice, so much for southen hospitality....

Anyways...this is the song that is in my head right now...
I love this man, and his use of the guitar...wonderful artist!

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